SMTPBeamer · The Mail Server

SMTPBeamer is an e-mail server for SMTP, POP3, IMAP and HTTP.

Any POP3/IMAP client

Windows Live Mail, eM Client, MailBird, Zimbra, Thunderbird or Microsoft Outlook

Any Web browser

Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari

Share one mailbox

at the ISP for a whole company

No size limit

send and receive messages of any size

©1991-2024 DataEnter GmbH
Wagramerstrasse 93/5/10 A-1220 Vienna, Austria
2022-01-04 / Phone
2022-01-04 / Tablet
Changed: 2022-01-04
Copyright ©1991-2024 DataEnter GmbH
Wagramerstrasse 93/5/10 A-1220 Vienna, Austria
Fax: +43 (1) 4120051